Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Second Revenge of Betty Anderson

So, I'm not so good at the remembering to blog thing.
BUT . . . it was because I was doing stuff and having a good summer, so I'm not going to beat myself up about it. This was my summer in list format

1. Have amazing job doing civil legal aid: I LOVE family law. LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Everyone thinks I'm crazy, but it speaks to me. It's really rewarding to be able to assist people with personal and difficult conflicts. How many people can say their clients gave them a hug after a hearing? Plus, getting a Protection from Abuse order against an abusive partner? Makes me feel like a legal bad ass.
2. Shed my city girl ways and learn to drive: This was not fun, but I can now drive. And on Sept. 30, I get to take the test (note: do not wait till the last minute to schedule a driving test in Pennsylvania, they're booked for months). Wish me luck!
3. Reconnect with my parents: I haven't lived with my parents for more than 2 weeks since I was 18 or so. However, my amazing summer legal job was in my hometown, and they were nice enough to let me have my old room back. It was interesting to live with them as an "adult." I caught myself falling back into the old rules of the house. I even burst out a "may I please be excused?" at the dinner table. More on this later, maybe. I'm still thinking about how much I want to talk about personal stuff. Also, my mother hates the internet more than people who don't do their homework and probably doesn't want me blogging about her.

More later, but for now I need to recover from the AMAZING day I spent in Pittsburgh with some of my favorite people in the world.

Love and Other Indoor Sports,


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