Friday, May 21, 2010

Things I LOVE

I had a lovely concept for my post today, but it's a lovely day and I'm feeling a bit lazy. So instead I'm making a list of things I love at the moment.

1. Michelle's Cafe. One week in town and they already know my "usual."
2. The Pierces. This is my song of the summer. I'm already learning the dance in the video. Flappers are never passe.
3. Running. I'm signing up for a membership at the Clarion University gym this Monday. Here's hoping I don't slack off!
4. Family Law. It is my official calling in life.
5. Rediscovering old favorite books. Short list: Cold Comfort Farm, Peyton Place (of course!), Sister Carrie. More on this in a later post.

Love and other indoor sports,


Monday, May 17, 2010

Let the Summer Begin!

As I was watching Peyton Place for about the 50th time last night, I realized something. The only person who has any little bit of joy or love in her life in that movie is Betty Anderson. While Allison was angsting and Selena was dealing with horrific troubles; Betty was kicking ass and taking names. There's a scene in the Tweed Shop where Betty is trying on this AMAZING red dress. I have personally lusted after this dress since I was 15 years old. Another girl tells Betty she looks "fast" in it. Betty replies "If you're accused of being fast, you might as well run. That way you get to all the good stuff first." This is my new motto for the summer. I'm going to run and experience all the good stuff.