Tuesday, June 8, 2010

No Parking (with boys)

It's almost a cliche to be a 20-something female and adore vintage things, but I really do adore vintage things. So very much. Vintage is nifty keen.

One of my personal vintage obsessions is vintage educational film strips from the 1950s. These little movies are unintentionally hilarious mini-time capsules. What better way to learn about the values of a society than to look at what we teach impressionable teen-agers? Below is a gem that will teach you about the importance of managing those messy emotions. So let's cut out the chatter, turn the lights out and pay attention so you can all mature into proper young ladies and gentlemen.

Toward Emotional Maturity (1954)
In this film, young Sally learns that unless she controls her emotions, she'll turn into a dog-abusing, snake-fearing, window smashing hooligan. So let's handle our emotions, say no to parking with boys, and lead emotionally mature lives.

Monday, June 7, 2010

If you're accused of being fast . . .

. . . you might as well run. That way you get to all the good stuff first."
This is a momentous occasion. After some serious googling, I have found photographic documentation of the moment that led to the creation of my blog. The dress, the wicked smile . . . This is a girl who is going places. My personal Patron Saint of the Summer: Betty Anderson.

Pick Me Ups

Here's a depressing truth about family law: you don't have clear winners and losers often. Instead, you get hard won compromises that make neither party completely happy.

But, I'm soldiering on. And to cheer myself up tonight I'm going to make a list of my favorite comfort songs.

The following are Songs That Make Me Feel Better No Matter What

1. Miriam Makeba's classic song Pata Pata.
I dare you to not start dancing in your desk chair. Just try. Next, listen to more of her stuff and marvel at how amazing she is. Case in point.

2. Emily Kane by Art Brut. What girl doesn't want to think that to someone, somewhere, she is the one that got away?

3. Expectations by Belle and Sebastian.
I would have been much happier in high school if I had known this song existed.

Two things about this song: 1. it is a guaranteed hit for karaoke. 2. Can you think of a better song to slow dance to while wearing a 1950s prom gown? I need this dress and a dreamy prom date.
hmm . . . Big Kahuna or Moondoggie?

5. Chelsea Morning by Joni Mitchell. Someday I will fall in love to this song. I really believe that in the secret hippie part of my heart.

Love and Other Indoor Sports,
